Here is a non-exhaustive list of some of the talks I have given in recent years. Although most were not recorded, here are a few examples of recent talks or media interviews: Thinking from the Edges, Internet shutdowns, and Bias in Google Maps.
Wagner, Ben. 2023. “Keynote: What Counts as Sustainable? From Trustworthy Tech to Accountable Systems.” Nemo Science Museum.
Wagner, Ben. 2022. “Keynote: Bias and University Student Recruitment.” in NoBias Summer School. Southhampton, UK: University of Southhampton School of Law.
Wagner, Ben. 2022. “Accountable AI and Robotics: From Standards to Regulation to Reality.” in Robophilosophy 2022. Helsinki, Finland: University of Helsinki.
Wagner, Ben. 2022. “Keynote: The Ground beneath Our Feet? Power, Governance and Human Agency in World of Socio-Technical Hybrids.” in The (R)evolution of Socio-Technical Hybrids. Alpbach, Tyrol: TU Austria.
Wagner, Ben. 2022. “Freedom of Expression and Online Content Regulation.” in Winter Academy on Artificial Intelligence and International Law. The Hague, Netherlands: Asser Institute.
Wagner, Ben. 2022. “Regulating the Global Surveillance Ecosystem.” in European Parliament Public Hearing of the PEGA Committee. Brussels, Belgium: European Parliament.
Wagner, Ben. 2021. “Digitale Menschenrechte Als Strategische Grundlage Für Außenpolitik.” in Menschenrechte im Cyberspace. Berlin, Germany: German Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Auswärtiges Amt).
Wagner, Ben. 2021. “All Codes – No Conduct? Performing AI Governance.” in Regulating Uncertainty. Pisa, italy: European Centre of Excellence on the Regulation of Robotics and AI.
Wagner, Ben. 2021. “Regulatory Challenges around Educational Tech.” in Education Technologies and the colonisation of our digital future: The role of EU’s Digital Services Act in regulating Ed-Tech and putting humanity in charge. London, UK: London School of Economics (LSE), London, UK.
Wagner, Ben. 2021. “Mapping Social-Legal Systems of Governance.” Tilburg, Netherlands: Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT).
Wagner, Ben, and Heleen Janssen. 2021. “Digital Services Act: Questions and Challenges.” in Governing the Digital Society (GDS). Utrecht, Netherlands: Utrecht University.
Wagner, Ben. 2021. “Keynote: New Opportunities for Global Digital Business.” in Global Digital Business and Collaboration Forum. Taipei, Taiwan: Institute for Information Industry, Taipei.
Wagner, Ben. 2021. “Keynote: Regulatory Cooperation and the DSA.” in 54th EPRA meeting: Cross-sectoral cooperation between regulators. EPRA: European Platform of Regulatory Authorities. Brussels, Belgium: EPRA.
Wagner, Ben. 2021. “Keynote: Anhängsel Mensch – Nachhaltige Technik Zwischen Pandemie Und Klimakatastrophe.” Feldkirch, Vorarlberg: AK-Vorarlberg.
Wagner, Ben. 2019. “Keynote: Automating Everything: Censorship, Surveillance and Human Rights.” Taipeih: FIDH.
Wagner, Ben. 2019. “Governing Technology: Ethical Frameworks and Human Rights.” in Ethical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Algorithms. Ottawa, Canada: Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics. House of Commons. Canada.
Wagner, Ben. 2019. “Software Accountability Mechanisms and the GDPR.” in Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography (COSIC) Seminar. Leuven, Belgium: KU Leuven.
Wagner, Ben. 2019. “Ethical AI?” in SIG “Monitoring and Control of AI Artefacts” of the Japan Society for Management and Information. Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.
Wagner, Ben. 2019. “Verantwortung in Technischen Systemen: Ethik Oder Menschenrechte?” in Technik und Gesellschaft – Fortschritt: Zwischen Verantwortung und Wachstum. RWTH Aachen, Germany.
Wagner, Ben. 2018. “Keynote: Verantwortliche Systeme: Chancen Für Paris.” in Fachgespräch Tech-Trends für Energie und Stadtentwicklung: Blockchain, Internet of Things, Big Data & Künstliche Intelligenz. Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU).
Wagner, Ben. 2018. “Desinformation.” in Annual Ambassadors Conference of the German Federal Foreign Office (Botschafterkonferenz). Berlin, Germany: German Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Auswärtiges Amt).
Wagner, Ben. 2018. “Automatisierte Entscheidungsprozesse Und Menschenrechte – Ein Wachsendes Spannungsfeld.” in Universalität der Menschenrechte. Aachen, Germany.: RWTH Aachen.
Wagner, Ben. 2018. “Ethics as an Escape from Regulation: From Ethics-Washing to Ethics-Shopping?” in 10 Years of Profiling the European Citizen. Brussels, Belgium: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
Wagner, Ben. 2018. “Befreiungstechnologie Internet? Zur Essenz Und Ambivalenz von Freiheit.” in Eine differenzierte Betrachtung des Demokratisierungspotentials neuer Technologien. University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Wagner, Ben. 2018. “Ethical/Social.” in Towards Accountable System. Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Wagner, Ben. 2018. “What Free Expression Can Learn from Privacy.” in Conference of the International Society of Public Law (ICON·S). Hong Kong.
Wagner, Ben. 2017. “Questioning Human Autonomy: Who Is the Human in the Loop?” in Workshop to Explore Opportunities for Collaboration on Artificial Intelligence & Society. British Embassy Berlin: Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence.
Wagner, Ben. 2017. “Human Rights Dimensions of Algorithms.” in Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP). Brussels, Belgium.
Wagner, Ben. 2017. “Keynote: Automation of the Online Sphere: Challenges for Media Regulators.” in Implementing Accuracy, Objectivity and Impartiality in practice. Vienna, Austria: 46th European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) Meeting.
Wagner, Ben. 2017. “Wie Funktioniert Der Cyberraum Technisch?” in Cyber Angriffe Unterhald der Schwelle des Bewaffneten Angriffs. Max-Planck-Institute for International Law (MPIL).
Wagner, Ben. 2016.“Big Data in the Public Sector? Challenges for Public Administrations in Europe.” Presented at the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), September 26, Vienna, Austria.
Wagner, Ben. 2016. “Computing Extremism: Automating the Identification of Extremists and Extreme Content on the Internet.” in Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo.
Wagner, Ben. 2016. “No Rules Are Good Rules? Data Protection, Information Sharing & Intelligence Cooperation in Europe.” in Reacting to Surveillance by Security Agencies in the Age of Big Data – What is the role of the European Union? Berlin: Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht (HWR) Berlin.
Wagner, Ben. 2015. “Thinking from the Edges Globalization and Technology in International Relations.” in Frankfurter Kolloquium für Internetforschung, Normative Orders Cluster. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
Wagner, Ben. 2015. “The Many Faces of Data: Kunduz, Congo & Islamabad.” in The dark side of the data revolution – Why responsible data infrastructures, privacy and digital rights matter for good governance. Sector Days Good Governance. Berlin, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Wagner, Ben. 2015. “Effektivierierung Der Kontrolle Des Exports von Überwachungs- Und Spionagesoftware Auf Deutscher Und Europäischer Ebene Und Öffentliche Auftragsvergabe.” in Öffentlichen Fachgespräch des Ausschusses Digitale Agenda. Berlin, Germany: Deutsche Bundestag.
Wagner, Ben. 2015. “Contested Code and Algorithmic Regulation: How Governance Practices Adapt to Modern Internet Architecture.” in Presidential Theme Panel – The Global and Regional Politics of Internet Governance in a Post-Snowden World. New Orleans, US: International Studies Association.
Wagner, Ben. 2015. “Institutions and the Public Sector Responding to the Challenge of Big Data.” in The Ethics of Data Science: The Landscape for the Alan Turing Institute. Oxford, UK: University of Oxford.
Wagner, Ben. 2015. “Best Practices at National Level in Europe and Africa.” in African Union (AU) – European Union (EU) Civil Society Seminar on AU-EU Human Rights Dialogue. Kigali, Ruanda: European Union & African Union.
Wagner, Ben. 2014. “Surveillance in Practice.” in Advocacy, Activism and the Internet: Commmunication Policy for Social Change. Budapest: Center for Media and Communication Studies at SPP of Central European University.
Wagner, Ben. 2014. “Algorithmic Regulation and the Global Default How Public Governance Practices Adapt to Modern Internet Architecture.” in Public Domain & Democracy in the Digital Age. Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala University.
Wagner, Ben. 2014. “Technical Challenges to Data Protection and Security.” in The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age. Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations Human Rights Council Expert Seminar.
Wagner, Ben. 2014. “Failing a Litmus Test? Developing Cybercrime Policy between Public Pressure and Private Sector Dependency.” in Shifting Borders of EU Internal Security. Frankfurt (Oder), Germany: European University Viadrina.
Wagner, Ben. 2014. “Digital Economy: Is Europe Ready for the Future Challenges?” in Re-Inventing Europe. Brugges, Belgium: Coleges D’Europe.
Wagner, Ben. 2013. “The End of Illusions: Technologies Embedded into Everyday Lives, Everyday Politics and Everyday Foreign Policy.” in The Talloires Conference: The Internet and International Politics: Implications for the United States and Europe. Talloires, France: Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, and Tufts University European Center.
Wagner, Ben, Kirsten Gollatz, and Andrea Calderaro. 2013. “Common Narrative – Divergent Agendas: The Internet and Human Rights in Foreign Policy.” in The 1st International Conference on Internet Science. Brussels, Belgium: Network of Excellence in Internet Science.
Wagner, Ben. 2013. “Fear of the Spring & Information Empires: The Birthing Pains of International Relations & the Internet.” in Guest Lecture at Cyber Connectivity Research Centre. Aberystwyth Ceredigion, Wales, United Kingdom: Department of International Politics Aberystwyth University.
Wagner, Ben. 2013. “Symbolic Power and Legitimacy Theatre: Constructing Legitimacy in Global Internet Governance.” in IRDTP Collective Workshop, Munk School f Global Affairs, edited by T. Owen and S. Young. Toronto, Canada.
Wagner, Ben. 2012. “Human Rights on the Internet Perspectives from Tunisia and Syria.” in Human rights and Communication Technologies ICT – a double-edged sword. Brussels, Belgium: European Parliament.
Wagner, Ben. 2012. “Global OvervIew of Challenges and Opportunities for Privacy Protection on the Internet.” in Internet Privacy and Freedom of Expression: UNESCO launches a global survey on legal frameworks. Baku, Azerbaijan.: U.N. Internet Governance Forum.