Wagner, Ben, Mathias C. Kettemann, Anna-Sophia Tiedeke, Felicitas Rachinger, and Marie-Therese Sekwenz. 2024. “Mapping Interpretations of the Law in Online Content Moderation in Germany.” Computer Law & Security Review. Cite
Wagner, Ben, Matthias C. Kettemann, Kilian Vieth, and Susannah Montgomery. 2024. Research Handbook on Human Rights & Digital Technology: Global Politics, Law & International Relations. Second Edition. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Cite
Hanif, Hilmy, Jorge Constantino, Marie Therese Sekwenz, Michel Van Eeten, Jolien Ubacht, Ben Wagner, and Yury Zhauniarovich. 2023. “Tough Decisions? Supporting System Classification According to the AI Act: 36th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, JURIX 2023” edited by G. Sileno, J. Spanakis, and G. van Dijck. Legal Knowledge and Information Systems – JURIX 2023 353–58. doi: 10.3233/FAIA230987. Cite Download
Wagner, Ben, Andy Sanchez, M. T. Sekwenz, S. A. T. Dideriksen, and D. S. Murray-Rust. 2023. “The Politics of Digital (Human) Rights: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies.” in International studies association and Oxford University Press. Oxford University Press. Cite
Johanne, Kübler, Marie-Therese Sekwenz, Felicitas Rachinger, Anna König, Rita Gsenger, Eliska Pirkova, Ben Wagner, Matthias C. Kettemann, Michael Krennerich, and Carolina Ferro. 2023. “German Federal Election on Social Media: Analysing Electoral Risks Created by Twitter and Facebook.” in Proceedings of the 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2023. IEEE. Cite
Sekwenz, M. T., and Ben Wagner. 2022. “Delete or Not to Delete: 2022 International Empirical Legal Studies Conference.” Cite
Sekwenz, M. T., and Ben Wagner. 2022. “Design Recommendations for Safer Election Campaigning Online: Democracy & Digital Citizenship Conference Series.” Cite
Wagner, Ben, Martin Husovec, Lubos Kuklis, and Eliska Pirkova. 2022. “The next step towards auditing intermediaries.” Verfassungsblog. Retrieved March 9, 2022 (https://verfassungsblog.de/dsa-auditing/). Cite
Wagner, Blog /. Ben, and Marina Kubina. 2021. “Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts zur Stärkung der Diskussionskultur.” DER STANDARD. Retrieved May 14, 2024 (https://www.derstandard.at/story/2000124046106/ergebnisse-des-forschungsprojekts-zur-staerkung-der-diskussionskultur). Cite
Daly, Angela, Thilo Hagendorff, Hui Li, Monique Mann, Vidushi Marda, Ben Wagner, and Wayne Wei Wang. 2021. “AI, Governance and Ethics: Global Perspectives.” in Constitutional Challenges in the Algorithmic Society, edited by O. Pollicino, G. de Gregorio, H.-W. Micklitz, A. Reichman, A. Simoncini, and G. Sartor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cite Download
Wagner, Ben, and Heleen Janssen. 2021. “A First Impression of Regulatory Powers in the Digital Services Act.” Verfassungsblog. Retrieved January 4, 2021 (https://verfassungsblog.de/regulatory-powers-dsa/). Cite
Wagner, Ben, and Lubos Kuklis. 2020. “Disinformation, Data Verification and Social Media.” Media@LSE. Retrieved March 19, 2020 (https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/medialse/2020/01/07/disinformation-data-verification-and-social-media/). Cite
Wagner, Ben, Paola Lopez, Florian Cech, Gabriel Grill, and Marie-Therese Sekwenz. 2020. “Der AMS-Algorithmus.” juridikum 2020(2):191–202. doi: 10.33196/juridikum202002019101. Cite
Wagner, Ben, Matthias C. Kettemann, and Kilian Vieth. 2019. Research Handbook on Human Rights & Digital Technology: Global Politics, Law & International Relations. First Edition. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Cite
Wagner, Ben. 2019. “Algorithmic Accountability – Towards Accountable Systems.” Pp. 679–90 in The Oxford Handbook of Intermediary Liability Online, edited by G. Frosio. Oxford ; New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Cite
Wagner, Ben. 2019. “All Codes – No Conduct? Performing the Governing Artificial Intelligence.” Journal of Law & Economic Regulation 1(13). Cite
Wagner, Ben. 2019. “Constructed ‘Cyber’ Realities & International Relations Theory.” in Technology and International Relations Theory, edited by R. Marlin-Bennett and J. Singh. Abingdon Oxon, New York NY: Routledge. Cite
Wagner, Ben, and Stephanie Horth. 2019. “Digital Technologies, Human Rights and Global Trade? Expanding Export Controls of Surveillance Technologies in Europe, China and India.” Pp. 299–318 in Research Handbook on Human Rights & Digital Technology: Global Politics, Law & International Relations, edited by B. Wagner, M. C. Kettemann, and K. Vieth. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Cite
Wagner, Ben, Wolfgang Schulz, Karmen Turk, Bertrand de la Chapelle, Julia Hörnle, Tanja Kersevan-Smokvina, Mathias C. Kettemann, Dörte Nieland, Arseny Nedyak, Pēteris Podvinskis, Thomas Schneider, Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon, and Dirk Voorhoof. 2018. Algorithms and Human Rights: Study on the Human Rights Dimensions of Automated Data Processing Techniques and Possible Regulatory Implications. DGI(2017)12. Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe. Cite Download
Wagner, Ben. 2018. Can Germany’s ‘Lex Facebook’ Be Saved? A Business and Human Rights Analysis. Global Voices. Cite
Bossong, Raphael, and Ben Wagner. 2018. “A Typology of Cybersecurity and Public–Private Partnerships in the Context of the European Union.” Pp. 219–47 in Security Privatization. Springer. Cite
Human, Soheil, and Ben Wagner. 2018. “Is Informed Consent Enough? Considering Predictive Approaches to Privacy.” in CHI Workshop: Exploring Individual Differences in Privacy. Montreal, Canada. Cite
Wagner, Ben, and Kilian Vieth. 2017. Digitalisierung Und Menschenrechte. Bonn, Germany: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Cite
Wagner, Ben. 2016. “Efficiency versus recht?” De Helling 2016(4). Cite